Ibm Serial Number



I've a DS4700 (1814-72H) Disk Storage Subsystem. The Serial Number on the Cabinet showing 13xxxR9. I've generated a All Support Data. But I'm unable to find this Cabinet Serial Number in any of the File. Can some one help me on this? Which File I should check for the Enclosure Serial Number.

BTW.. I don't have any other Disk Expansion unit with this Storage unit. Two controllers and 16 Drive.

For the serial number, the System Value Parameter is QSRLNBR. For the processor code, the System Value Parameter is QPRCFEAT. In addition, the IBM command qsys/wrkhdwrsc type(*prc), option 7 on the Main Card Enclosure will give you the same information, along with the. Gan ane udah download IBM Statistic Ver.24 64 bit. Tapi serial number yang ane dapat dari halaman dimana tempat ane download (9MQT8R78RQBWEXN3WRG7CEC2WCO6TOREVH6CBAI. Your serial number is a code that uniquely identifies your AS/400. To display your serial number enter the following on a command line: DSPSYSVAL QSRLNBR. It has the following properties: It is exactly seven characters in length. It contains only characters from '1' to '9' and from 'A' to 'Z'. For the serial number, the System Value Parameter is QSRLNBR. For the processor code, the System Value Parameter is QPRCFEAT. In addition, the IBM command qsys/wrkhdwrsc type (*prc), option 7 on the Main Card Enclosure will give you the same information, along with the Interactive Processor features.

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Ibm Serial Number Free Download

  1. M1 Carbine Serial Number Master List. M1 Carbine Master List 1 2. Page size: select 51 items in 2 pages MFG Serial# Owner Source Notes. Catalog Number:SPAR 1730: Catalog Number:SPAR 1730: IBM: 3944991: Springfield Armory Museum: Catalog Number:SPAR 1734: Catalog Number:SPAR 1734: IBM: 3950668.
  2. I'm having some trouble with my T500 ThinkPad and want to contact service, but am not sure how I can find out the machine type and serial number to provide to support when I call because the sticker on the bottom of the laptop is faded so I don't know what the S/N is.

When i'm checking the Enclosure Details, it's not matching the Serial Number. Here are those details below.

Ibm Serial Number Warranty Lookup

Controller/Drive Enclosure Overall Component Information

Ibm Serial Number Country Of Origin